Don’t Panic! We’re here to help.

Dear Reader,  it seems as though you have somehow stumbled throughout the interwebs and miraculously managed to find yourself on my blog. Woof, I know. Since 2009 a few things have changed… I’m less focused on the college experience and more focused on how to lead a meaningful & happy life. So, welcome to the clutter, tiny rituals and amusing daily happenstance of my life through the ups and downs as I sift and sort my way edging closer to enlightenment. I am endlessly grateful that you have chosen to join me on my journey.

If you have a comment or something to add I’m still happy to hear it. Oh, and if anyone is interested in publishing The College Survival Guide that I actually wrote, you’re welcome to it; however, I’m pretty sure texting, sexting, twitter, snapchat, selfies, instagram, and tinder… didn’t exist.  Dial up, yes, dial up existed and MSN messenger. Oh and alcohol; alcohol and capital letters… that’s pretty much it. Thanks for stopping by!

Sending you love and light.


Old School Pitch: Amid the clutter and tiny rituals that constitute college life there are a few simple guidelines that all university students must know.  For this reason only, the College Student’s Survival Guide has been created.  By over simplifying and generalizing, your entire ‘educational’ experience can be broken down into categories.  Here are all of the answers to the questions you never dare to ask, some insights into what you are getting yourself into, funny stories, the essentials to your survival and getting the most out of your university experience.  Have a comment or something to add?  Post a reply.

6 thoughts on “Don’t Panic! We’re here to help.

  1. Purple says:

    I just wanted let you know that I find your posts entertaining, helpful and comforting, even. Thank you for letting the world know that valentine’s day is not. the. only. day. in. the. year. to. show. your. love. and that tanning can be harmful (and turn you as orange as a baked sweet potato.) And the little trip down memory lane of the lives we used to live B.G., that was a nice touch.

    Have a good week! 🙂

  2. Christa says:

    Haha, oh wow, I don’t even know how I got here but I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your posts, they’re very entertaining and constantly make me smile! Great job.

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