Everything at once!

Ok, so the other day I came across this little gem on Reddit and it is sort of the best way to articulate how I feel… so, I thought that I would repost here:

“Be single and work on yourself until you’re genuinely happy being single. That might include finding new hobbies, getting in shape, therapy, new friends, trying harder at school or your career, what have you. When you’re genuinely happy and satisfied being single, you won’t get into relationships just because you can, and you won’t stay in relationships that aren’t actually making you happier.

I realized I was truly ready for a full-fledged, adult relationship when an attractive, generally cool friend liked me, and I didn’t date her. There was nothing wrong with her, but it didn’t feel quite right. I didn’t feel the need to plug that void with her because there was no longer a void. There’d be other girls and I’d be perfectly happy in the mean time.

Once you’re only dating because you truly want to, you’ll only get into relationships that make you better.”

And as soon as this came to my attention these other gems found me! Enjoy this clip from SNL “It’s not giving up, it’s settling up!”


Hilarious, but then, my friend sent me the real thing… image3_grande-2.pngthe back up shop Can this possibly be real life? The concept is that you get the app and find matches based on your “back up plan date”… making it legally binding? This is the worst concept ever… but they spent some serious $ developing the site; so, could it be for real?

And while we’re at it I came across the break up shop depending on how much you are willing to ‘splurge’ ranging from $10 and upwards they will break up for you via text, phone call, or a bouquet of carnations (which everyone knows are the worst).

Ummm couldn’t you just ask Siri to do it for you?  Or use your own fingers? Or everybody’s favourite: the ghost out. No text required.  This seems like too much effort.  Ok, now that I’ve posted about it hopefully this madness will end!

Love and above  Xxo

Wobble Free

This morning’s commute was treacherous and I literally said, “today, I just can’t”.  So, in an effort to be wobble free here are some things that I would like to deliberately focus upon.  Thanks for joining me for the ride!

This is where I’d like to be:

images-3.jpg Oh wait, too cold 😦

This is where I’de like to be:imgres-2.jpg

This is what I’d like to be doing:images-4.jpgimages-5.jpgimages-8.jpgimages.jpg

This is how I’d like to feel:images-6.jpgimages-7.jpg


In the meantime: images-9.jpgimages-10.jpg


blocking out the haters & regaining my swagger, infinitely

tumblr_mk6rg5d9Ya1qe0rgso1_1280Uuuugh!  It seems as though every once in a while a negative experience occurs that forces me to waggle a bit in my alignment.  Often it’s just so easy to bounce right back and other times I allow myself to get caught up, swirl it around, complain to others about it, go over the details and imagine possible outcomes–ultimately, forcing myself to relive the unpleasant experience all over again.  Today in a deliberate effort to realign myself and stop dabbling in the drama I found the following passage from The Law of Attraction.  Much love and appreciation.  Hhhhmph feeling better already!

The majority of your negative emotion comes forth not during the minutes of that negative experience, but they come forth in all the hours that you ponder and chew upon it after the experience. Usually, there is much more of your time spent in thought of the negative thing that has happened than in the actuality of what is happening.  The majority of your negative emotion could be eliminated if, in those times when you are alone, you would focus upon what you now want to think about. And then, in those briefer encounters, in those smaller parts of your life experience where you are actually being harassed by another, you will grow stronger in your ability to not notice the harassment so much and, in time, the Law of Attraction will not bring you to those experiences because those thoughts will no longer be active within you” ( Hicks 173).


Oh ok, now that I am here and now.  Over the holidays I had some incredible meditations while sitting on the beach with the warmth of the sun shining down as I listening to the crashing waves, feeling their abundant power,  I asked for a sign.  In that moment the image an infinity symbol came to me.  images

Ok, cool, not thinking about it at all that evening I was talking to a woman who was celebrating her birthday and out of the corner of my eye I noticed that she had a tiny infinity symbol earring in one ear.  So, of course I exclaimed,”oh, I love your earring!” how incredibly strange, but at the same time I asked for it, so, I shouldn’t be so surprised, I should expect it.   She responeded, “oh, I just love the infinity symbol I have the matching bracelet” and as she lifted her arm to show off her charm bracelet didn’t she also have two large infinity symbol tattoos along both of her forearms?! When it rains it pours; however, that was where our conversation about the  symbol ended because she then proceeded to tell me that she went swimming with the dolphins for her birthday… in a pool, but they were “rescue” dolphins, and I was like “rescued from the wild?! Not cool, dolphins are incredibly intelligent creates that makes me sad” 😦  Waaaa wommm.  So, after that encounter I researched the infinity symbol and this is what it means: “Because the circles of the lemniscate sit side by side, the sign implies equality between these opposing forces, with the connecting point in the center the convergent point. The sign epitomizes the idea of sexual union and of “two becoming one.” The infinity sign stands for wholeness and completion.” Website where this came from…

Ummm that all sounds pretty amaaaazing! Feeling pretty pleased with my complete wholeness! Much love, joy, and happiness Xxo


ground-too-cold.jpgThis morning it was really difficult getting out of bed.  So, when I emerged from beneath my multiple duvets and gasped “Eeeeek too cold” as my breath visibly escaped my lips, I checked my phone and it said -16 * C degrees! What the what?! That is too cold! I am not built for this! My commute to work was soooo cold and even though I was wrapped up in my animal pelts (boots, parka, mittens) while shivering in my modern vehicle with heated seats and warm air shooting at me from all directions…it made me wonder… How did people previously survive? I always claim that I would die in the first wave of the zombie apocalypse because who wants to be in a constant state of fear struggling to survive, I mean, let’s just eat some brains and get on with it, but quite honestly, I don’t think I would have survived pioneer times either!

Sending you warm thoughts on this blustery day! Xxo

Happy Holidays Lovers & Friends!

il_214x170.883244936_boid.jpgThe countdown is over and it’s time to celebrate!

In my interweb wanderings into distant and strange places (which ultimately make me beyond delighted that the internet exists) I came across this interesting Ted Talk by Dr. Joe Dispenza.  He makes the neurological link between changing your perspective and physically rewiring your brain.  Check it out:”He creates a bridge between true human potential and the latest scientific theories of neuroplasticity.  He explains how thinking in new ways, as well as changing beliefs, can literally rewire one’s brain. The premise of his work is founded in his total conviction that every person on this planet has within them, the latent potential of greatness and true unlimited abilities.”

Basically, all brains are pretty much the same; you just have to continuously learn and create new pathways.  Perhaps that guy who is always prompting me to check out his new Lamborghini and telling me to read a book a day isn’t that far off.

Just to be clear, I never had any doubt about your incredible potential or your unlimited abilities!

Sending you endless love, peace & joy! Xxo

On to the next chapter


Hey, hi, helllllo! It’s all happening! It is with a heavy heart that I say a fond farewell to my childhood home which has always been my safe space to land.  It has been purchased, packed up, and repurposed.  Wishing the new owners a wonderful life filled with love, happiness, and laugher.

On to the next chapter….xxo